Our goal is to provide the scientific foundation to enable farmers to harness plants and microbes to restore damaged agricultural soils.
Soils are regarded as the most complex biological system on Earth and there is an urgent need to rapidly improve our understanding of soil processes. AI and Omics technologies have tremendous potential to accelerate basic research on soils but these communities are largely disparate. RESTOR-C brings together experts in AI, soil science, agriculture, plant engineering, microbiology, and Omics technologies to bridge this gap and enable a future where farmers can predictably improve soil health and productivity.
RESTOR-C is organized into four divisions—Soil, Microbial, Plant, and Scaling and Impact—supported by essential advances that will be achieved by a cross-cutting mathematical and computational research team.

RESTOR-C is funded by the Department of Energy Office of Science, by the programs for Biological and Environmental Research (BER) and for Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR). Computing is central to the goals we aim to achieve.
Research Objectives
Each division has a research objective and four sub-objectives.